
How to Change your dock on Mac

Did you guys ever think of creating your own desktop themes?
Instead of Downloading it from websites,
You can actually design it, practically,
Costumizing your own dock, changing the icons, it's amazing:)
All we need is, be a little hardworking,
 I spent my entire morning to browse and search for the icons, 
You don't have to finish it within a day like what i just did,
Just download it and save it into a folder:)
After You've gathered the stuff you want 
Then only you start to work.

If you want to change your dock,first step is to download the LeopardDocks App

It offers custom dock designs for Apple's Mac OS X Leopard operating system,
There are tons of docks for you to choose, just click download and launch your leopard docks App!
So, just Follow the instructions, and it's easy!
For my next post, I am going to talk about icons changing:]
stay tuned ♥

I was thinking of sharing this a long time ago, 
But I was kinda busy with school lately.

I love Pink
That's why this came across my head when I was searching the icons:)
Leave me comments if you want to:)
The Pink Dock:)

Thanks for viewing ♥:)


